Design symbolism at the design proposal of the Egyptian University for Information Technology / ARCHILAB

Design: Results of a competition for the Ministry of Communications and Information - Egypt.

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Egypt is a country that has respected science and education since its inception with the dawn of human history. Egypt has led the world with its science and knowledge, with this knowledge we established the oldest civilization known to humanity.
For the Egyptians, the capital has always been the symbol and an inspiration for science and knowledge, and the source to which those seeking knowledge come.

Continuing this symbolism, the New Administrative Capital is a symbol of Egypt's restoration of its position among the countries as the sun of civilization radiating culture and development. One of the most important sources of development and its current flowing rivers is information technology, which has become one of the most important pillars for progress of countries in our time.
Learning and teaching this field must be crucial for the birth and permanent renewal of this technology and a continuation to one of the chapters of progress in the series of the ancient history of our country and continuity of the leadership of the ancestors through us, the children of this nation’s present.

The idea of this university project and its associated services is an expressive symbol of our new renaissance, which reflects our history in a modern, sophisticated and even pioneering image, represented in its architecture, accompanying technologies and its synchronization with modernity in the era of the technological revolution.

The Designs idea

Among features of ancient Egyptian architecture is its strong association with symbolism, while expressing it through modern scientific methods such as engineering, mathematics, astronomy, etc. 
Symbolism was used in the process of linking the three sites that make up the project, even when they are not continuous and separated by plots of land and other buildings.

One of the most important means of linking was to find visual axes that carry out the process of orientation and sensory connection between these sites. These are emphasized by common geometric shapes (with different uses of sites and the role of buildings in each of them), as well as materials and colors used. Plants such as palms, as well as some external design tools such as gates, have contributed to confirming these visual axes. 

The ancient Egyptians used visual axes as an important way to connect different sites as well as buildings, such as what happened in the Avenue of sphinxes (rams) as well as linking temples and others.
ِِِActual connection in the paths of movement, whether by pedestrians or via bikes, has also been taken into account, which are means that express the consideration of the environment and sustainability in the work of axes of movement that try to reduce interference between vehicles, pedestrians or wheels.

Each site was dealt with separately influenced by the shape and formation of the land plot, the surrounding road network, visual axes linking them, as well as the steering process affected by movement of the sun and the climate, such as the winds movement, and design of the blocks to form external spaces as they contain the required uses in their internal spaces.

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We see this gradation in functional use and the connection of the outside to the inside, prevention as well as attraction in parts of buildings, their design was present in the buildings of ancient Pharaonic temples and the variation of their spaces, as well as uses, separation, linkage, courtyards and axes of movement.
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The design has been set to emphasize the importance of harmony in development, taking into account the environment in which it arises. So the sun breakers were used with the exploitation of solar energy by several means, most notably the solar cells that were distributed in an aesthetic and thoughtful way over the buildings.
The design has been designed to emphasize the importance of harmony in development, taking into account the environment in which it arises. So the sun breakers were used with the exploitation of solar energy by several means, most notably the solar cells that were distributed in an aesthetic and thoughtful way over the buildings.
All buildings were designed with the smart buildings’ system and linked to the university's information network and its annexes to connect them to the city’s utility network.

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